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A STEINBAUER Power Module is fitted to Roger’s Ford Ranger at Diesel Care Toowoomba to better fuel economy, towing capabilities and increase torque and horsepower by up to 20 per cent.

“106kWs is pretty good and sure these modern 4wds have got loads of power, turbochargers and V8's but when you load them up with all the camping gear and the family , maybe throw a boat or caravan on the back your 106kws is gonna feel like 60. So what do you do about it? You can take it into one of Diesel Cares technicians. Daniel McIntyre is one of the tuning experts at Diesel Care Toowoomba and to work out how much the Ford Rangers output can be improved by Dans created a baseline reading on the Dynamometer. So whats more important, horsepower or Torque?

The horsepower is going to give you the bragging rights at the pub but what we want is the extra torque and thats whats going to get the vehicle moving and its going to pull a lot harder when your overtaking. Will it be like driving an empty car when I'm loaded? It will, It's going to get moving so much easier and pulling so much harder because of the extra torque.

For 17 years STEINBAUER Power modules have been fitted to Foubies and Farming equipment to increase torque and power by about 20%.

What is STEINBAUER? Steinbauer is named after the man who came up with the module – Herbert Steinbauer from Austria where products are known for there high quality. This clever black box, alters the signals to the injectors to optimise fuel injection quantities at certain points which ultimately improves the efficiency and performance.

Seems pretty straight forward the way everything just plugs together. Daniel just uses the factory plug connectors so everything goes together nicely. Back on the Dyno its fairly clear this clever chip has made some big changes. We've got the torque coming in at such low RPM now, its 1570 rpm. We've gone from about 436nm of torque now up to 558nm which is around 28% increase.

Hows the fuel efficiency going to be now? Its going to be fantastic your going to be doing that job so much easier, we're going to be using a lot less throttle input, your going to be maintaining higher gears, lower RPM, so that is going to equal fuel saving.”

Rodger tests out the module towing his van and says, “The really great thing now I don't have to flatten the accelerator to get the job done. We've got about 2500 revs and its going beautifully up the hill. In fact if I dint look in the mirror and see the van behind me you'd be tempted to think it wasn't even there.”